CCC 270 God is the Father Almighty, whose fatherhood and power shed light on one another: God reveals his fatherly omnipotence by the way he takes care of our needs; by the filial adoption that he gives us (“I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty”):1 finally by his infinite mercy, for he displays his power at its height by freely forgiving sins.

CCC 301 With creation, God does not abandon his creatures to themselves. He not only gives them being and existence, but also, and at every moment, upholds and sustains them in being, enables them to act and brings them to their final end. Recognizing this utter dependence with respect to the Creator is a source of wisdom and freedom, of joy and confidence:
For you love all things that exist, and detest none of the things that you have made; for you would not have made anything if you had hated it. How would anything have endured, if you had not willed it? Or how would anything not called forth by you have been preserved? You spare all things, for they are yours, O Lord, you who love the living.2

CCC 373 In God’s plan man and woman have the vocation of “subduing” the earth3 as stewards of God. This sovereignty is not to be an arbitrary and destructive domination. God calls man and woman, made in the image of the Creator “who loves everything that exists”,4 to share in his providence toward other creatures; hence their responsibility for the world God has entrusted to them.

1 2 Cor 6:18; cf. Mt 6:32.
2 Wis 11:24-26.
3 Gen 1:28.
4 Wis 11:24.