Questions and Answers

1497. What is the New Testament locus classicus for the sacrament of Confession? (CCC 1485) The New Testament locus classicus for the sacrament of Confession is Jn 20 where Christ says to the apostles: “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”
1498. How is the forgiveness of sins committed after Baptism conferred? (CCC 1486) The forgiveness of sins committed after Baptism is conferred by the sacrament of Confession.
1499. Whom does the sinner wound with his sin? (CCC 1487) With his sin the sinner wounds:
1. God
2. himself
3. the Church.
1500. What is the biggest evil to the eye of faith? (CCC 1488) The biggest evil to the eye of faith is sin.
1501. Whose work is conversion? (CCC 1489) Conversion is the work of the grace of God.
1502. Which three elements does repentance entail? (CCC 1490) Repentance entails the three elements of:
1. sorrow of the soul
2. abhorrence of the sins committed
2. the firm purpose of sinning no more.
1503. What are the four parts of the sacrament of Confession? (CCC 1491) The four parts of the sacrament of Confession are:
1. contrition
2. confession
3. satisfaction
4. absolution.
1504. What two types of contrition/ repentance are there? (CCC 1492) The two types of contrition/ repentance are:
1. perfect contrition that arises from love of charity for God
2. imperfect contrition that is founded on other motives.
1505. What must the sinner do in order to obtain reconciliation with God and the Church? (CCC 1493) In order to obtain reconciliation with God and the Church the sinner must confess to a priest all the unconfessed grave sins he remembers after having carefully examined his conscience.
1506. Why does the confessor require from the penitent certain acts of satisfaction? (CCC 1494) The confessor requires of the penitent certain acts of satisfaction so that the harm caused by sin be repaired and habits befitting a Christian re-established.
1507. Who can forgive sins in the sacrament of Confession? (CCC 1495) In the sacrament of Confession only those priests can forgive sins who have received the faculty of absolving from the authority of the Church.
1508. What are the two major spiritual effects of Confession? (CCC 1496) The two major spiritual effects of Confession are:
1. pardon from God
2. reconciliation with the Church.
1509. What is the only ordinary means of reconciliation with God and the Church? (CCC 1497) The only ordinary means of reconciliation with God and the Church is an individual and full confession of grave sins followed by a sacramental absolution.
1510. What can the faithful obtain through indulgences? (CCC 1498) The faithful can obtain through indulgences the remission of temporal punishment resulting from sin.