Questions and Answers

1678. What is a sacramental? (CCC 1667) A sacramental is a sacred sign, resembling a sacrament and instituted, as a rule, by the Church.
1679. What are the two effects of the sacramentals? (CCC 1667) The two effects of the sacramentals are:
1. to dispose men for receiving grace, especially through the sacraments
2. to render holy various occasions in life.
1680. By whom are the sacramentals instituted? (CCC 1667) The sacramentals are, as a rule, instituted by the Church.
The sacraments are instituted by Christ.
1681. How are the effects signified by the sacramentals obtained? (CCC 1667) The effects signified by the sacramentals are obtained through the intercession of the Church.
The effects of the sacraments are obtained by the very fact of their being performed (Latin: ex opere operato).
1682. What realities are sanctified by sacramentals? (CCC 1668) The following realities are sanctified (= blessed) by sacramentals:
1. certain ecclesial ministries and states of life (e.g. blessing of an abbot)
2. various circumstances in Christian life (e.g. blessing of a house)
3. the use of many things helpful to man (e.g. blessing of a car).
1683. How are blessings in the context of sacramentals performed? (CCC 1668) Blessings in the context of sacramentals are performed by (1) a prayer usually accompanied by (2) a specific sign (sign of the cross, sprinkling of Holy Water, laying on of hands).
1684. By whom are the sacramentals administered? (CCC 1669) The sacramentals are administered:
1. some by all the faithful (e.g. the mother blessing her child with Holy Water)
2. some by the clergy only (e.g. the priestly blessing).
The more a blessing concerns ecclesial and sacramental life, the more is its administration reserved to the clergy.
1685. How do the sacramentals differ in their effect from the sacraments? (CCC 1670) The sacramentals differ in their effect from the sacraments as they do not confer grace in the way the sacraments do but prepare the faithful to receive the grace of the sacraments and dispose them to cooperate with it.
1686. What are the four forms of sacramentals? (CCC 1671-1673) The four forms of sacramentals are:
1. ceremonies associated with the sacraments
2. blessings and consecrations outside the sacraments
3. the religious use of blessed and consecrated objects
4. the blessed and consecrated objects themselves.
1687. Which are the most important among the sacramentals? (CCC 1671) The most important among the sacramentals are blessings of persons, meals, objects, places and animals.
1688. Which blessings that are sacramentals have a lasting importance? (CCC 1672) The blessings that are sacramentals and have a lasting importance are those who:
1. consecrate persons to God
2. reserve objects and places for liturgical use.
1689. Which sacramentals have a lasting importance for persons? (CCC 1672) The sacramentals which have a lasting importance for persons are:
1. the blessing of the abbot or abbess of a monastery
2. the consecration of virgins and widows
3. the rite of religious profession
4. the blessing of certain ministries of the Church.
1690. Which sacramentals have a lasting importance for things? (CCC 1672) The sacramentals which have a lasting importance for things are:
1. the dedication of a church
2. the blessing of an altar
3. the blessing of holy oils, vessels, vestments, bells (etc.).
1691. What is an exorcism? (CCC 1673) An exorcism is a blessing by which the Church asks publicly and authoritatively in Christ’s name that a person or object be protected against the power of the Devil and withdrawn from his dominion.
1692. In what does popular piety consist? (CCC 1674) Popular piety consists in various forms of devotion expressed by the faithful and surrounding the sacramental life of the Church.
1693. Which are the most important expressions of popular piety? (CCC 1674) The most important expressions of popular piety are:
1. the veneration of relics
2. visits to sanctuaries
3. pilgrimages
4. particular devotions to saints.
1694. Why is popular piety connected to the liturgical life of the Church? (CCC 1675) Popular piety is connected to the liturgical life of the Church, because it extends this life, is derived from it and leads the faithful to it.