Questions and Answers

1728. Who makes man fully manifest to himself? (CCC 1710) Christ makes man fully manifest to himself.
1729. How does man pursue his perfection? (CCC 1711) Man pursues his perfection in seeking and loving what is true and good.
1730. What in man is an outstanding manifestation of the divine image? (CCC 1712) In man, true freedom is an outstanding manifestation of the divine image.
1731. Where in man does the moral law make itself heard? (CCC 1713) The moral law makes itself heard in man’s conscience.
1732. Why is man subject to error and inclined to evil? (CCC 1714) Man is subject to error and inclined to evil, because he has been wounded in his nature by original sin.
1733. Where will the moral life reach its fulfilment? (CCC 1715) The moral life will reach its fulfilment in heaven.