Questions and Answers

1734. What are the Beatitudes? (CCC 1716) The Beatitudes are the eight blessings contained in Mt 5:3-12.
1735. What promises do the Beatitudes take up and fulfil? (CCC 1716) The Beatitudes take up and fulfil God’s promises from the time of Abraham on.
1736. What does the first Beatitude say? (CCC 1716) The first Beatitude says: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.”
1737. In whose lives have the Beatitudes already begun? (CCC 1717) The Beatitudes have already begun in the lives of Our Lady and all the saints.
1738. Who has placed the natural desire for happiness in the human heart? (CCC 1718) God has placed the natural desire for happiness in the human heart.
1739. Why has God placed the natural desire for happiness in the human heart? (CCC 1718) God has placed the natural desire for happiness in the human heart in order to draw man to the One who alone can fulfil it.
1740. To whom is the vocation to beatitude addressed? (CCC 1719) The vocation to beatitude is addressed:
1. to each individual personally
2. to the Church as a whole.
1741. How does St Augustine describe Christian beatitude in heaven? (CCC 1720) St Augustine († 430) describes Christian beatitude in heaven by saying: “There we shall rest and see, we shall see and love, we shall love and praise.”
1742. Why are we on earth? (CCC 1721) We are on earth to know God, love Him and serve Him and so to come to paradise.
1743. Why is Christian beatitude supernatural? (CCC 1722) Christian beatitude is supernatural, because it is an entirely gratuitous gift of God.
1744. How do the Beatitudes determine our moral choices? (CCC 1723) The Beatitudes determine our moral choices by inviting us:
1. to purify our hearts of bad instincts
2. to seek the love of God above all else.
1745. What are the most important biblical texts regarding moral life? (CCC 1724) The most important biblical texts regarding moral life are:
1. the Decalogue (Ex 20, Dt 5)
2. the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
3. the moral catechesis of St Paul (Rom 12-15, 1 Cor 12-13, Col 3-4, Eph 4-5).