Questions and Answers

1746. What promises do the Beatitudes take up and fulfil? (CCC 1725) The Beatitudes take up and fulfil God’s promises from the time of Abraham on.
1747. What do the Beatitudes teach us? (CCC 1726) The Beatitudes teach us the final end to which God calls us.
1748. How are we led to the beatitude of eternal life? (CCC 1727) We are led to the beatitude of eternal life by the grace of God.
1749. How do the Beatitudes determine our moral choices? (CCC 1728) The Beatitudes determine our moral choices by inviting us:
1. to purify our hearts of bad instincts and
2. to seek the love of God above all else.
1750. Why does the Beatitude of heaven set the standards for the use of earthly goods? (CCC 1729) The Beatitude of heaven sets the standards for the use of earthly goods, because the earthly goods must serve to reach the heavenly beatitude.