Questions and Answers

1822. What is the moral conscience? (CCC 1795) The moral conscience is man’s most secret core where man is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.
1823. What does man recognize by the judgment of conscience? (CCC 1796) By the judgment of conscience man recognizes the moral quality of a concrete act.
1824. What pledge does every verdict of conscience contain for the one who has committed a sin? (CCC 1797) For the one who has committed a sin every verdict of conscience contains a pledge of conversion and hope.
1825. How does a well-formed conscience formulate its judgments? (CCC 1798) A well-formed conscience formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by God.
1826. In what case does conscience make a right judgment? (CCC 1799) Conscience makes a right judgment if it remains in accordance with:
1. reason
2. the divine law.
1827. Must a certain judgment of conscience always be obeyed? (CCC 1800) Yes, a certain judgment of conscience must always be obeyed.
1828. In which two ways can conscience fail? (CCC 1801) Conscience can fail through ignorance or erroneous judgment.
1829. How is moral conscience formed? (CCC 1802) Moral conscience is formed by:
1. the Word of God
2. the regular examination of our conscience
3. the gifts of the Holy Spirit
4. the witness or advice of others
5. the authoritative teaching of the Church.