Questions and Answers

1869. What is a virtue? (CCC 1833) A virtue is an habitual and firm disposition to do good.
1870. Which are the four cardinal virtues? (CCC 1834) The four cardinal virtues are: prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance.
1871. What is prudence? (CCC 1835) Prudence is the cardinal virtue that disposes the practical reason:
1. to discern our true good
2. to choose the right means for achieving it.
1872. What is justice? (CCC 1836) Justice is the cardinal virtue that consists in the firm and constant will to give God and neighbour each their due.
1873. What is fortitude? (CCC 1837) Fortitude is the cardinal virtue that ensures:
1. firmness in difficulties
2. constancy in the pursuit of the good.
1874. What is temperance? (CCC 1838) Temperance is the cardinal virtue that:
1. moderates the attraction of the pleasures of the senses
2. provides balance in the use of created goods.
1875. How are the human virtues acquired? (CCC 1839) The human virtues are acquired by human effort:
1. education
2. deliberate acts
3. perseverance in struggle.
1876. What is the effect of the theological virtues? (CCC 1840) The effect of the theological virtues is to dispose Christians to live in a relationship with the Holy Trinity.
1877. Which are the three theological virtues? (CCC 1841) The three theological virtues are faith, hope and charity.
1878. What is faith? (CCC 1842) Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe:
1. in God
2. all that He has revealed to us and that the Church proposes for our belief.
1879. What is hope? (CCC 1843) Hope is the theological virtue by which we desire:
1. the Kingdom of heaven
2. eternal life.
1880. What is the theological virtue of charity? (CCC 1844) The theological virtue of charity is the disposition by which we love:
1. God above all things
2. our neighbour as ourselves for love of God.
1881. What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit? (CCC 1845) The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.