Questions and Answers

2033. What are the two parts of justification worked in us by the Holy Spirit? (CCC 1987) The two parts of justification worked in us by the Holy Spirit are:
1. to cleans the sinner from his sin
2. to communicate to him the righteousness of God through faith and Baptism.
2034. What is the first work the Holy Spirit works in the sinner? (CCC 1989) The first work the Holy Spirit works in the sinner is conversion effecting justification.
2035. How does the Council of Trent define justification? (CCC 1989) The Council of Trent defines justification as:
1. the remission of sins
2. the sanctification and renewal of the inner man.
The Council of Trent (AD 1545-63) followed the Reformation. It rejected Protestantism and reinforced orthodoxy.
2036. What is the first thing justification effects in man? (CCC 1990) The first thing justification effects in man is to detach him from sin.
Remission of sins is the point of departure of justification.
2037. What is granted to the sinner by justification? (CCC 1991) By justification to the sinner are granted:
1. God’s righteousness
2. faith, hope and charity
3. obedience to the divine will.
2038. How has justification been merited for us? (CCC 1992) Justification has been merited for us by the Passion of Christ.
2039. Through which sacrament is justification conferred? (CCC 1992) Justification is conferred through the sacrament of Baptism.
2040. How is the cooperation between God’s grace and man’s freedom expressed? (CCC 1993) The cooperation between God’s grace and man’s freedom is expressed:
1. by man’s assent of faith
2. by the prompting of the Holy Spirit who precedes and preserves his assent.
2041. Why is justification greater than creation according to St Augustine? (CCC 1994) According to St Augustine († 430) justification is greater than creation, because creation will pass away while the justification and salvation of the elect will not pass away.
2042. Why does justification entail the sanctification of man’s whole being? (CCC 1995) Justification entails the sanctification of man’s whole being, because it gives birth to the “inner man”.
2043. What is grace? (CCC 1996) Grace is favour, the free and undeserved help that God gives to those who respond to His call to become His children.
2044. How does grace make the faithful participate in the life of God? (CCC 1997) Grace makes the faithful participate in the life of God by introducing them into the intimacy of Trinitarian life.
2045. Why is the vocation to eternal life supernatural? (CCC 1998) The vocation to eternal life is supernatural, because it depends entirely on God’s gratuitous initiative and surpasses the power of human intellect and will.
2046. Which grace do the faithful receive in Baptism? (CCC 1999) The faithful receive in Baptism the sanctifying or deifying grace.
2047. What is sanctifying grace? (CCC 1999-2000) Sanctifying grace is:
1. an habitual gift
2. a supernatural disposition that enables the soul to live with God.
2048. From which graces is sanctifying grace distinguished? (CCC 2000) Sanctifying grace is distinguished from actual graces.
2049. What is actual grace? (CCC 2000) Actual grace is God’s temporary intervention (help) through which He moves us to will and to do the supernatural good.
2050. Whose work is the preparation of man for the reception of grace? (CCC 2001) The preparation of man for the reception of grace is a work of grace.
2051. What human reaction does God’s free initiative toward man demand? (CCC 2002) God’s free initiative toward man demands man’s free response.
2052. What are sacramental graces? (CCC 2003) Sacramental graces are gifts proper to the seven sacraments.
2053. What is a charism? (CCC 2003) A charism is a special grace by which the Holy Spirit enables the faithful to undertake various tasks and offices for the benefit of others, especially the Church, but also for men and the world.
E.g. gifts of healing or the gift of tongues.
2054. To what group of graces do the graces of state belong? (CCC 2004) The graces of state belong to the special graces.
2055. What are the graces of state? (CCC 2004) The graces of state are graces that accompany the exercise of the responsibilities of the Christian life (e.g. marriage) and of the ministries within the Church (ordination).
2056. Why can grace be known only by faith? (CCC 2005) Grace can be known only by faith, because it belongs to the supernatural order and thus escapes our experience.
2057. Can we rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are saved? (CCC 2005) No, we cannot rely on our feelings or our works to conclude that we are saved.
2058. What reflection offers us a guarantee that grace is at work in us? (CCC 2005) Reflection on God’s blessings in our life and in the lives of the saints offers us a guarantee that grace is at work in us.
2059. What did St Joan of Arc answer when asked whether she was in God’s grace? (CCC 2005) When asked whether she was in God’s grace, St Joan of Arc († 1431) answered: “If I am not, may it please God to put me in it; if I am, may it please God to keep me there.”
2060. What is a merit? (CCC 2006) A merit is a recompense owed.
2061. Does God owe us something because of our merits? (CCC 2007) In a strict sense God does not owe us something because of our merits.
2062. Whence does the merit of the faithful before God arise? (CCC 2008) The merit of the faithful before God arises from the fact that God has freely chosen to associate man with the work of His grace.
2063. Why can the initial grace of forgiveness and justification not be merited? (CCC 2010) The initial grace of forgiveness and justification cannot be merited, because in the order of grace the initiative belongs to God.
2064. When can we begin to merit the graces needed for the attainment of eternal life? (CCC 2010) We can begin to merit the graces needed for the attainment of eternal life once we are baptised.
2065. For whom can we merit the graces needed for the attainment of eternal life? (CCC 2010) We can merit the graces needed for the attainment of eternal life:
1. for ourselves
2. for others.
2066. What can we merit from God? (CCC 2010) We can merit from God:
1. the increase of sanctifying grace
2. eternal life and the increase of the glory in heaven
3. temporal goods (e.g. health, friendship).
2067. What is the source of all our merits before God? (CCC 2011) The source of all our merits before God is charity.
2068. What does Lumen Gentium 40 call Christian holiness? (CCC 2013) Lumen Gentium 40 calls Christian holiness the perfection of charity.
Lumen Gentium is a Vatican II document, the Apostolic Constitution on the Church.
2069. Why is the union of the faithful with Christ called “mystical”? (CCC 2014) The union of the faithful with Christ is called “mystical”, because the faithful participate in this union through the sacraments, which are the holy mysteries.
2070. Why is there no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle? (CCC 2015) There is no holiness without renunciation and spiritual battle, because the way of perfection passes by way of the Cross.
2071. Regarding the end of their lives Christians hope for what? (CCC 2016) Regarding the end of their lives Christians hope for:
1. the grace of final perseverance
2. the recompense of God.