Questions and Answers

2287. What does the fourth commandment enjoin? (CCC 2247) The fourth commandment enjoins us to honour father and mother.
2288. Whom should we honour after God? (CCC 2248) After God we should honour our parents and those whom God has vested with authority for our good.
2289. Upon what is the family established by the spouses? (CCC 2249) The family is established upon the covenant and consent of the spouses.
2290. Why are healthy families of public importance? (CCC 2250) Healthy families are of public importance, because they contribute to the well-being of the individual person and of both human and Christian society.
2291. What do children owe their parents? (CCC 2251) Children owe their parents respect, gratitude, just obedience and assistance.
2292. Who has the first responsibility for the education of children? (CCC 2252) Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children.
2293. Why should parents respect and encourage their children’s vocations? (CCC 2253) Parents should respect and encourage their children’s vocations, because the first calling of the Christian is to follow Christ.
2294. How must public authority serve the human person? (CCC 2254) Public authority must serve the human person by respecting his fundamental rights and the conditions for the exercise of his freedom.
2295. Why must the citizen collaborate with civil authority? (CCC 2255) The citizen must collaborate with civil authority in order to build up society.
2296. How does Acts 5 express the precedence of God before the state? (CCC 2256) Acts 5 expresses the precedence of God before the state when it says: “We must obey God rather than men.”
2297. What is the danger of societies without God? (CCC 2257) The danger of societies without God is that they easily become totalitarian.