Questions and Answers

2578. What is the ninth commandment? (CCC 2514) The ninth commandment is: “You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife.”
2579. What does the ninth commandment forbid? (CCC 2514) The ninth commandment forbids the indulgence of carnal concupiscence.
2580. What three kinds of concupiscence does 1 Jn 2 list? (CCC 2514) 1 Jn 2 lists the following three kinds of concupiscence:
1. lust of the flesh
2. lust of the eyes
3. pride of life.
2581. What is concupiscence? (CCC 2515) Concupiscence is the movement of the sensitive appetite contrary to the operation of the human reason.
2582. How does St Paul call concupiscence? (CCC 2515) St Paul calls concupiscence the rebellion of the “flesh” against the “spirit”.
2583. Where does concupiscence stem from? (CCC 2515) Concupiscence stems from the original sin.
2584. What is the effect of concupiscence? (CCC 2515) The effect of concupiscence is that it unsettles man’s moral faculties and without being in itself an offence, inclines man to commit sins.
2585. Why do we need purification of the heart? (CCC 2517) We need purification of the heart, because out of the heart comes all sin.
2586. What does the sixth beatitude promise to the pure of heart? (CCC 2518) The sixth beatitude promises to the pure of heart that they shall see God (Mt 5).
2587. What three areas does purity of heart regard? (CCC 2518) Purity of heart regards:
1. charity
2. chastity
3. love of truth and orthodoxy of faith.
2588. What are the enemies in the battle for purity of the baptised? (CCC 2520) The enemies in the battle for purity of the baptised are concupiscence of the flesh and disordered desires.
2589. What are the four means in the battle for purity? (CCC 2520) The four means in the battle for purity are:
1. the virtue and gift of chastity
2. the purity of intention
3. the purity of vision
4. prayer.
2590. What is the effect of chastity? (CCC 2520) The effect of chastity is to let us love with upright and undivided heart.
2591. In what does purity of intention consist? (CCC 2520) Purity of intention consists in seeking man’s true end.
2592. What is modesty? (CCC 2521) Modesty is refusing to unveil what should remain hidden.
2593. To which cardinal virtue does modesty belong? (CCC 2521) Modesty belongs to the cardinal virtue of temperance.
2594. What attitudes does modesty encourage in loving relationships? (CCC 2522) In loving relationships modesty encourages patience and moderation.
2595. What is the purpose of purifying the social climate? (CCC 2525) The purpose of purifying the social climate is to achieve freedom from eroticism, voyeurism and illusion.
2596. Why does moral permissiveness not lead into freedom? (CCC 2526) Moral permissiveness does not lead into freedom, because the precondition for the development of freedom is education in the moral law.