Questions and Answers

691. Who alone is able to comprehend the thoughts of God? (CCC 687) The Spirit of God alone is able to comprehend the thoughts of God (1 Cor 2).
692. Through what only can we know the Holy Spirit? (CCC 687) We can know the Holy Spirit only through the movement by which He reveals Christ to us.
693. Why do those who believe in Christ know the Holy Spirit? (CCC 687) Those who believe in Christ know the Holy Spirit, because in order to know Christ they must be moved by the Spirit.
694. In what three places is the Holy Spirit mainly visible within the Church? (CCC 688) The Holy Spirit is mainly visible within the Church:
1. in the sacramental Liturgy
2. in the Bible
3. in the Tradition.
695. How is the joint mission of the Son and Spirit illustrated by human speech? (CCC 689) The joint mission of the Son and Spirit is illustrated by human speech if we say that the Father sends the Word (= Son) through His Breath (= the Holy Spirit).
696. How does St Gregory of Nyssa interpret Christ’s anointing by the Holy Spirit? (CCC 690) St Gregory of Nyssa (before AD 400) interprets Christ’s anointing by the Holy Spirit as expressing:
1. the absence of distance between the Son and the Spirit
2. the necessity of touching the Spirit when approaching the Son.
697. What is the most common name, title and symbol of the Spirit? (CCC 691-701) The most common name for the Spirit is “Holy Spirit”, the most common title is “the Paraclete” and the most common symbol is the dove.
Paraclete” is Greek and means “counsellor”.
698. What is the Hebrew word for “Spirit”? (CCC 691) The Hebrew word for “Spirit” is “ruah”.
699. What two titles does Christ Himself use for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 692) Christ Himself uses for the Holy Spirit the two titles “Paraclete” (= counsellor) and “Spirit of truth”.
700. How does St Peter call the Holy Spirit? (CCC 693) St Peter calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of glory” (1 Pet 4).
701. What are the eight classical symbols of the Holy Spirit? (CCC 694-701) The eight classical symbols of the Holy Spirit are water, anointing, fire, cloud and light, seal, hand, finger, dove.
The dove is the most common symbol of the Holy Spirit.
702. Why is water a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 694) Water is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it cleanses and therefore signifies the Holy Spirit’s action in Baptism.
703. Why does anointing with oil signify the Holy Spirit? (CCC 695) Anointing with oil signifies the Holy Spirit, because it refers back to the primary anointing accomplished by the Holy Spirit, that of Jesus who therefore is the one anointed.
The one anointed is called in Greek “Christós” and in Hebrew “Messiah”.
704. Why is fire a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 696) Fire is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it signifies the transforming energy of the Spirit who at Pentecost descended in the form of tongues “as of fire” on the disciples.
705. Why is the cloud a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 697) The cloud is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because the cloud, now obscure, now luminous, signifies the Spirit who reveals what remains a mystery.
706. Why is the seal a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 698) The seal is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because it signifies the sacramental character imprinted on the soul by the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders.
The sacramental character is an indelible mark by which the Christian shares in Christ’s priesthood and is made a member of the Church according to different states and functions.
707. Why is the hand a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 699) The hand is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because the apostles’ imposition of hands signifies the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
708. Why is the finger a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 700) The finger is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is known as the “finger of God”, the instrument through which God acts.
709. Why is the dove a symbol for the Holy Spirit? (CCC 701) The dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit, because at Christ’s baptism the Spirit comes upon Him in the form of a dove.
The dove is the most common symbol of the Holy Spirit.
710. In what way do God’s Spirit and Word work in “the time of the promises”? (CCC 702) In “the time of the promises”, God’s Spirit and Word work in a hidden way preparing for the Incarnation of Christ.
The time of the promise is the time of the Old Testament.
711. Who are the prophets through whom according to the Creed the Spirit has spoken? (CCC 702) The prophets through whom according to the Creed “the Spirit has spoken”, are those whom the Holy Spirit inspired in the proclamation and in the writing of the Scriptures.
712. What is the task of the Holy Spirit in creation? (CCC 703) The task of the Holy Spirit in creation is:
1. to rule it
2. to sanctify it
3. to animate it
4. to preserve it in the Father through the Son.
713. Why is the Holy Spirit the Spirit of the promise? (CCC 706) The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the promise, because He is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it.
714. What is the function of the theophanies in the Old Testament? (CCC 707) The function of the theophanies in the Old Testament is to allow the Word of God to be seen and heard.
Theophanies are manifestations of God.
715. What was the function of the Old Law in divine pedagogy? (CCC 708) The function of the Old Law in divine pedagogy was:
1. to lead God’s people toward Christ
2. to increase a growing awareness of sin
3. to enkindle consequently a desire for the Holy Spirit.
716. Why did the Holy Spirit work through the Exile? (CCC 710) The Holy Spirit worked through the Exile in order:
1. to purify the People of God
2. to prefigure the Church through the Remnant which returned from the Exile.
The Exile was the historical period around 555 BC when the Israelites were deported to Babylon.
717. How does Is 11 present the Spirit of the awaited Messiah? (CCC 712) Is 11 presents the Spirit of the awaited Messiah as the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord.
This is the passage from whose Latin and Greek version, theology has deduced the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
718. What three key figures show the Spirit of Christ in the fullness of time? (CCC 717-730) The three key figures that show the Spirit of Christ in the fullness of time are John the Baptist, Our Lady and Jesus Christ Himself.
719. Why is Christ’s Spirit present in St John the Baptist? (CCC 717) Christ’s Spirit is present in St John the Baptist, because he was filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb (Lk 1).
The “fullness of time” is the time of the New Testament that begins with the coming of Christ.
720. In which figure does the Holy Spirit conclude His speaking through the prophets? (CCC 719) The Holy Spirit concludes His speaking through the prophets in the figure of St John the Baptist.
721. Who is the masterpiece of the Son and the Spirit in the New Testament? (CCC 721) The masterpiece of the Son and the Spirit in the New Testament is Our Lady.
722. How did the Holy Spirit prepare Our Lady for her task? (CCC 722) The Holy Spirit prepared Our Lady for her task by means of her conception without sin.
723. How did the Holy Spirit fulfil the divine plan in Our Lady? (CCC 723) The Holy Spirit fulfilled the divine plan in Our Lady when, through His power and her Faith, she conceived and gave birth to the Son of God.
724. Why does the title “Christ” express Jesus’ relationship to the Holy Spirit? (CCC 727) The title “Christ” expresses Jesus’ relationship to the Holy Spirit, because it means “anointed” and thus declares that the “Christ” is the one anointed by the Holy Spirit.
725. How does Jesus Christ speak about the Holy Spirit in His preaching? (CCC 728) Jesus Christ speaks about the Holy Spirit in His preaching by introducing Him gradually.
726. When does Jesus Christ promise the coming of the Holy Spirit? (CCC 729) Jesus Christ promises the coming of the Holy Spirit at the Last Supper.
727. How did the risen Christ personally give the Holy Spirit to His disciples? (CCC 730) The risen Christ personally gave the Holy Spirit to His disciples by breathing on them (Jn 20).
728. What is the most important event involving the Spirit and the Church after Christ? (CCC 731) The most important event involving the Spirit and the Church after Christ is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the Church at Pentecost.
729. When does the Holy Spirit begin to lead the Church into the “last days”? (CCC 732) The Holy Spirit begins to lead the Church into the “last days” from the day of Pentecost.
730. What is God’s first gift in the “last days” that contains all other gifts? (CCC 733) God’s first gift in the “last days” that contains all other gifts is the Holy Spirit.
731. What is the first effect of the gift of the Holy Spirit to the sinner? (CCC 734) The first effect of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the sinner is the forgiveness of sins.
732. What is the second effect of the gift of the Holy Spirit after the forgiveness of sins? (CCC 735) The second effect of the gift of the Holy Spirit after the forgiveness of sins is the giving of the life of the Holy Trinity.
733. Where are the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit mentioned? (CCC 736) The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are mentioned in Gal 5 according to the Vulgate, the Latin Version of the New Testament.
The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit can be found in CCC 1832.
734. Where in our time is the mission of Christ and the Spirit already fulfilled? (CCC 737) In our time, the mission of Christ and the Spirit is already fulfilled in the Church.
735. By what four steps does the Holy Spirit bring the faithful into the Church? (CCC 737) The Holy Spirit brings the faithful into the Church by:
1. preparing him in order to draw them to Christ
2. manifesting Christ to him
3. making the sacraments present to him
4. bringing him into communion with God.
These four steps are also found in Holy Mass: preparation rites, readings, consecration, Holy Communion.
736. Why is the Church’s mission not additional to that of Christ and the Spirit? (CCC 738) The Church’s mission is not additional to that of Christ and the Spirit, because the Church is, as it were, its sacrament.
A sacrament is a sign that contains and effects what it signifies.
737. Why does Christ pour out the Holy Spirit in the Church? (CCC 739) Christ pours out the Holy Spirit in the Church:
1. to nourish, heal and organize
2. to give life
3. to send to bear witness
4. to associate to His self-offering to the Father.
738. How does Christ communicate the Holy Spirit to the members of the Church? (CCC 739) Christ communicates the Holy Spirit to the members of the Church through the sacraments.