Questions and Answers

751. Whence are the names and images of the Church taken? (CCC 751-757) The names and images of the Church are taken from the Old and New Testament.
752. What Latin term does the word “Church” translate? (CCC 751) The word “Church” translates the Latin term ecclésia .
The Latin term ecclésia comes from the Greek verb “ek-ka-lein” which means: to “call out of”.
753. What does the term “Church” mean? (CCC 751) The term “Church” means a “convocation” or an “assembly”.
754. What kind of assembly does the term “Church” designate? (CCC 751) The term “Church” designates the assemblies of men, usually for a religious purpose.
755. What does the Greek word ekklesía frequently designate in the Septuagint? (CCC 751) The Greek word ekklesía (= Church) frequently designates in the Greek Old Testament the assembly of the Israelites before God, especially on Mount Sinai.
The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament.
756. Why was the first community of faithful called “Church”? (CCC 751) The first community of faithful was called “Church”, because it was the heir to the assembly of the People of God on Mount Sinai.
757. Where does the English word “Church” etymologically come from? (CCC 751) The English word “Church” comes etymologically from the Greek term “Kyriaké” which means: “what belongs to the Lord”.
758. What three things does the word “Church” signify in Christian usage? (CCC 752) The word “Church” signifies in Christian usage:
1. the liturgical assembly
2. the local community (parish)
3. the universal community of believers.
759. What is the main figure and image for the Church in the Old Testament? (CCC 753) The main figure and image for the Church in the Old Testament is the People of God.
760. What is the main figure and image for the Church in the New Testament? (CCC 753) The main figure and image for the Church in the New Testament is the Body of Christ.
761. How is the OT term “People of God” unfolded in the NT term “Body of Christ”? (CCC 753) The Old Testament term “People of God” is unfolded in the New Testament term “Body of Christ” through Christ’s becoming the Head of the People of God that is henceforth His Body.
762. What are the four main symbols for the Church in the New Testament? (CCC 754-757) The four main symbols for the Church in the New Testament are:
1. the sheepfold
2. the cultivated field
3. the building of God
4. Jerusalem.
Remember them as sheep on a field walking toward a building that is part of Jerusalem.
763. What is the very source of the Church’s origin, foundation and mission? (CCC 759) The very source of the Church’s origin, foundation and mission is the Father’s heart.
764. For what sake was the world created according to the “Shepherd of Hermas”? (CCC 760) According to the “Shepherd of Hermas” the world was created for the sake of the Church.
The “Shepherd of Hermas” (Pastor Hermae) is one of the four apostolic writings (around 150 AD).
765. At which moment did the gathering together of the People of God begin? (CCC 761) The gathering together of the People of God began at the moment when sin destroyed the communion of men with God.
766. When does God announce the gathering of the Church to Abraham? (CCC 762) God announces the gathering of the Church to Abraham when he calls him and promises that he will become the father of a great people.
767. By whom was the Church instituted? (CCC 763) The Church was instituted by Jesus Christ.
768. How did Jesus Christ inaugurate His Church? (CCC 763) Jesus Christ inaugurated His Church by preaching the Kingdom of God.
769. With what lasting structure did Christ endow His Church? (CCC 765) Christ endowed His Church with the lasting structure formed by the apostles under Peter.
770. Whence did the ‘wondrous sacrament of the whole Church’ come forth according to the Liturgy? (CCC 766) According to the Liturgy the ‘wondrous sacrament of the whole Church’ came forth from the side of Christ as He slept the sleep of death upon the cross.
771. How did the Holy Spirit reveal the Church on the day of Pentecost? (CCC 767) The Holy Spirit revealed the Church on the day of Pentecost by openly displaying her to the crowds.
772. What means does the Church receive from the Spirit in order to fulfil her mission? (CCC 768) In order to fulfil her mission the Church receives from the Spirit:
1. hierarchic gifts
2. charismatic gifts.
773. When will the Church receive her perfection? (CCC 768) The Church will receive her perfection in the glory of heaven.
774. Why can one speak about the Church as a mystery? (CCC 770) One can speak about the Church as a mystery, because the Church exists in history and, at the same time, transcends it.
775. What makes the Church to be both visible and spiritual? (CCC 771) What makes the Church to be both visible and spiritual is that she is:
1. a visible hierarchical society on the earth
2. Christ’s mystical Body and a spiritual community endowed with heavenly riches.
776. What does St Paul call the nuptial union of Christ and the Church? (CCC 772) St Paul calls the nuptial union of Christ and the Church “a great mystery” (Eph 5).
777. To what is the structure of the Church totally ordered? (CCC 773) The structure of the Church is totally ordered to the holiness of her members.
778. Why can the Church be called a “sacrament”? (CCC 774) The Church can be called a “sacrament”, because - like a sacrament - she is the sign and instrument that both contains and communicates the invisible grace it signifies.
The Church is called a “sacrament” in an analogical sense.
779. Why is the Church the ‘sacrament’ of the unity of the human race? (CCC 775) The Church is the ‘sacrament’ of the unity of the human race, because men’s communion with one another is rooted in the union with God.