Questions and Answers

1043. What happens at the Particular Judgment? (CCC 1051) At the Particular Judgment, immediately after death, every man receives his eternal recompense in his immortal soul.
1044. When will the souls of the departed be reunited with their bodies? (CCC 1052) The souls of the departed will be reunited with their bodies on the day of the resurrection of the flesh.
1045. By whom is the Church of heaven formed? (CCC 1053) The Church of heaven is formed by the souls of the just in Paradise.
1046. What happens to those who die in God’s grace but are imperfectly purified? (CCC 1054) Those who die in God’s grace but are imperfectly purified (1) are assured of their salvation but (2) must undergo a purification in Purgatory.
1047. How does the Church commend the dead to God’s mercy? (CCC 1055) The Church commends the dead to God’s mercy by offering her prayers, especially in Holy Mass.
1048. Whose example does the Church follow in warning the faithful of hell? (CCC 1056) In warning the faithful of hell, the Church follows the example of Christ.
1049. Why is separation from God the biggest punishment in hell? (CCC 1057) Separation from God is the biggest punishment in hell, because in God alone man can find life and happiness.
1050. Does God desire that people go to hell? (CCC 1058) No, God does not desire that people go to hell but “desires all men to be saved” (1 Tim 2).
1051. When will all men appear in their own bodies before Christ’s tribunal? (CCC 1059) All men will appear in their own bodies before Christ’s tribunal on the Day of the Last Judgment.
1052. What are the three characteristics of the Kingdom of God at the end of time? (CCC 1060) The three characteristics of the Kingdom of God at the end of time are:
1. the reigning of the just with Christ
2. the transformation of the material universe
3. God’s being all in all.
1053. From which language is the word “Amen” taken? (CCC 1061) The word “Amen” is taken from Hebrew.
The word “Amen” means: “So be it.”
1054. What two things does the word “Amen” express? (CCC 1062) The word “Amen” expresses:
1. God’s faithfulness toward us
2. our trust in Him.