Questions and Answers

1706. What is the aim of Christian moral catechesis? (CCC 1692) The aim of Christian moral catechesis is to help the Christian to lead a life worthy of the gospel of Christ.
1707. What two things make the Christian capable of leading a life in Christ? (CCC 1692) The two things that make the Christian capable of leading a life in Christ are:
1. the grace of Christ
2. the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
1708. How are the grace of Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit received? (CCC 1692) The grace of Christ and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are received through the sacraments and through prayer.
1709. Why are the moral decisions of the Christian important? (CCC 1696) The moral decisions of the Christian are important, because they matter for our salvation.
1710. Why is Christian moral catechesis a catechesis of the Holy Spirit? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is a catechesis of the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit is the interior Master of Christian life who inspires, guides, corrects and strengthens this life.
1711. Why is Christian moral catechesis a catechesis of grace? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is a catechesis of grace, because it is by grace that:
1. we are saved
2. our works can bear fruit for eternal life.
1712. Why is Christian moral catechesis a catechesis of the beatitudes? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is a catechesis of the beatitudes, because the way of Christ is summed up in the beatitudes (Mt 5).
1713. Why is Christian moral catechesis a catechesis of sin and forgiveness? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is a catechesis of sin and forgiveness, because:
1. to acknowledge sin is to know the truth about man which is a condition for acting justly
2. without the offer of forgiveness man would be unable to bear the truth of his sinfulness.
1714. Why is Christian moral catechesis a catechesis of human virtues? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is a catechesis of human virtues, because it causes one to grasp the beauty of right dispositions toward goodness.
1715. Why is Christian moral catechesis an ecclesial catechesis? (CCC 1697) Christian moral catechesis is an ecclesial catechesis, because it is through the manifold exchanges of spiritual goods in the Church that Christian life can grow, develop and be communicated.
1716. Why is Christ the first and last point of reference of Christian moral catechesis? (CCC 1698) Christ is the first and last point of reference of Christian moral catechesis, because He is the way, the truth and the life (Jn 14).