Questions and Answers

200. What is a Creed? (CCC 186) A Creed is an organic summary of the essential elements of the Church’s Faith.
201. Why did the Church start to write Creeds? (CCC 186) The Church started to write Creeds in order to express and hand on her Faith in brief formulae, which were intended especially for candidates for Baptism.
202. What are two other names for a Creed? (CCC 187) Two other names for a Creed are:
1. profession of Faith
2. symbol of Faith.
203. Why are creeds so called? (CCC 187) Creeds are so called from the Latin word with which they often begin, “credo”: I believe.
204. Why are the Creeds called “symbols of Faith”? (CCC 187-188) The Creeds are called “symbols of Faith”, because symbolon in Greek means:
1. a summary
2. one half of a broken object presented as a token of recognition.
205. When is the first profession of Faith made in the life of a Christian? (CCC 189) The first profession of Faith in the life of a Christian is made during Baptism.
206. Why is the baptismal Creed proposed in a Trinitarian form? (CCC 189) The baptismal Creed is proposed in a Trinitarian form, because Baptism is given in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The baptismal Creed contains the truths of Faith professed during Baptism.
207. How many parts does the Creed have? Why? (CCC 190) The Creed has three parts, because the Faith is presented in reference to the three Trinitarian persons.
208. What do the three parts of the Creed speak about? (CCC 190) The three parts of the Creed speak, respectively, about:
1. the Father and Creation
2. the Son and Redemption
3. the Holy Spirit and Sanctification.
209. What are the “articles” of the Creed? How many are they? (CCC 191) The “articles” of the Creed are the distinct truths out of which the Creed is composed. They can be reckoned as three, or more commonly, as twelve.
210. How many are the “articles” of the Creed? (CCC 191) The “articles” of the Creed can be reckoned as three, or more commonly, as twelve.
211. What three sources have produced Creeds? (CCC 192) The three sources that have produced Creeds are:
1. the ancient Churches
2. Councils
3. popes.
212. What are the two most important Creeds in the Church’s life? (CCC 193-195) The two most important Creeds in the Church’s life are:
1. the Apostles’ Creed
2. the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
213. Why is the Apostles’ Creed called so? (CCC 194) The Apostles’ Creed is called so, because it is a faithful short summary of the apostles’ Faith.
214. Why does the Apostles’ Creed have a great authority? (CCC 194) The Apostles’ Creed has a great authority, because it is the ancient baptismal symbol of the Church of Rome, the See of Peter, the first of the apostles.
215. Why does the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed have a great authority? (CCC 195) The Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed has a great authority, because it stems from the first two ecumenical Councils, Nicaea I (AD 325) and Constantinople I (AD 381).
216. Which Creed does the presentation of the Faith in the CCC follow? (CCC 196) The presentation of the Faith in the CCC follows the Apostles’ Creed.
This presentation is completed by constant reference to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.