Questions and Answers

5. What does the Latin title of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum mean?

The Latin title of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum means “Deposit of Faith”.
Apostolic constitutions, papal bulls or conciliar texts are often called by the two Latin words with which they begin.

6. What is the general aim of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum?

The general aim of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum is to explain the purpose of the new Catechism and its background.
An apostolic constitution is a decree or ruling issued by a Pope.

7. What is the content of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum?

The content of the Apostolic Constitution Fídei Depósitum is an explanation of:
1. the drafting of the text
2. the arrangement of the material
3. the importance of the CCC for the Church.
8. Who gave the impulse for the composition of the CCC? (FD 0) An extraordinary Synod of Bishops convoked in 1985 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the close of Vatican II gave the impulse for the composition of the CCC.
A Synod of Bishops is a meeting of bishops in Rome or a local meeting of the bishops belonging to the same ecclesiastical province or patriarchate. These meetings discuss doctrinal questions or pastoral needs.
9. Who chaired the commission that had the task of preparing a draft of the CCC? (FD 1) Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger – the later pope Benedict XVI. - chaired the commission that had the task of preparing a draft of the CCC.
10. What precedent does the CCC follow in its four-part structure? (FD 2) In its four-part structure, the CCC follows the precedent of the Catechismus Romanus, i.e. the first Catechism which was published by the Council of Trent (1545-1563).
The Council of Trent (1545-63) followed the Reformation. It rejected Protestantism and reinforced orthodoxy.
11. Who authorized the publication of the CCC? In which year? (FD 3) The publication of the CCC was authorized by Pope John Paul II in 1992.