Questions and Answers

575. Which four groups agreed to kill Jesus Christ? (CCC 574) The four groups that agreed to kill Jesus Christ were:
1. the Pharisees
2. the partisans of Herod
3. the priests
4. the scribes.
576. Against which three essential institutions in Israel was Christ accused of acting? (CCC 576) Christ was accused of acting against:
1. the Law
2. the Temple
3. the Faith in one God.
577. What is the locus classicus for ‘Jesus and the Law’ in Matthew? (CCC 577) The locus classicus for ‘Jesus and the Law’ in Matthew is the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7).
578. Did Christ come to abolish the Law or the prophets? (CCC 577) No, Christ did not come to abolish the Law or the prophets, but to fulfil them.
579. Has anyone ever kept the whole of the Old Law? (CCC 578) Christ alone kept the whole of the Old Law.
580. How did the Israelites who transgressed the Law cleanse themselves? (CCC 578) The Israelites who transgressed the Law cleansed themselves on the Day of Atonement:
1. by offering sacrifices
2. by asking forgiveness for their transgressions.
581. What does the “principle of integral observance of the Law” say? (CCC 579) The “principle of integral observance of the Law” says that whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
582. To what point does Christ fulfil the Law? (CCC 580) Christ fulfils the Law to the point of taking upon Himself the curse of the Law incurred by those who do not abide by the things written in the Law.
583. How did Christ teach the people according to the end of Mt 7? (CCC 581) According to the end of Mt 7 Christ taught the people as one who had authority and not as the Jewish scribes.
584. How does Christ perfect the dietary law? (CCC 582) Christ perfects the dietary law by declaring unclean thoughts, words and actions that come out of man, not food that enters him.
The “dietary law” is a part of the Mosaic law (contained in the Pentateuch) based on the distinction between clean and unclean food.
585. When did Jesus enter the Temple for the first time? (CCC 583) Jesus entered the Temple for the first time when St Joseph and Our Lady presented Him there forty days after His birth.
586. Why did Christ drive the merchants out of the Temple? (CCC 584) Christ drove the merchants out of the Temple because they had turned its outer court into a place of commerce.
587. What did Christ announce about the temple on the threshold of His Passion? (CCC 585) On the threshold of His Passion Christ announced the coming destruction of the Temple.
The Temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70.
588. Why did Christ identify Himself with the Temple? (CCC 586) Christ identified Himself with the Temple, because He is God’s definitive dwelling-place among men.
Jn 2: “Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up (…). But He spoke of the Temple of His body.
589. In what way did Christ most challenge Israel’s Faith in the one God and Saviour? (CCC 589) Christ most challenged Israel’s Faith in the one God and Saviour by forgiving sins.
590. What does Christ show about Himself by forgiving sins? (CCC 589) By forgiving sins Christ shows Himself to be God, since God alone can forgive sins.
591. With what words does Christ assert His unity with the Father? (CCC 590) Christ asserts His unity with the Father in the words “I and the Father are one” (Jn 10).