Questions and Answers

646. What does the Troparion of Easter in the Byzantine Liturgy say? (CCC 638) The Troparion of Easter in the Byzantine Liturgy says: “Christ is risen from the dead! Dying, He conquered death; To those who were in the grave, He has given life.”
647. Why is Christ’s Resurrection both historical and transcendent? (CCC 639-647) Christ’s Resurrection is both historical and transcendent:
1. historical, because it really happened and was witnessed by the New Testament
2. transcendent, because it cannot be comprehended with human means.
648. What is the first event of the Easter story? (CCC 640) The first event of the Easter story is the discovery of the empty tomb.
649. Who discovered the empty tomb after the Resurrection? (CCC 640) The holy women discovered the empty tomb after the Resurrection.
650. To whom are the first three appearances of the resurrected Christ? (CCC 641) The first three appearances of the resurrected Christ are to:
1. Mary Magdalene and the holy women
2. St Peter
3. the Twelve.
651. How is the new state of Christ’s resurrected body called? (CCC 641) The new state of Christ’s resurrected body is called the state of glory.
652. Why is it improbable that the apostles’ credulity gave rise to the story of the Resurrection? (CCC 644) It is improbable that the apostles’ credulity gave rise to the story of the Resurrection, because the apostles responded to the news of the Resurrection not with credulity but with disbelief.
653. What are the four conditions of Christ’s risen body? (CCC 645) The four conditions of Christ’s risen body are:
1. impassibility: no suffering and no death
2. subtlety: spiritualisation of the body’s matter
3. agility: no limitation by space or time
4. clarity: beauty.
654. Why is Christ’s Resurrection different from Lazarus’ return to life? (CCC 646) Christ’s Resurrection is different from Lazarus’ raising from the dead, because the former is a passing to a new life beyond time and death while the latter was a return to an earthly life that ended once more in death.
655. Why does Christ’s Resurrection surpass history? (CCC 647) Christ’s Resurrection surpasses history, because the passing over to a life beyond time and death transcends all created reality and remains a mystery of Faith.
656. Why is the Resurrection a work of the Holy Trinity? (CCC 648) The Resurrection is a work of the Holy Trinity, because in it the three Divine Persons act together as One, while manifesting Their own proper characteristics.
657. How does the Father manifest His proper characteristics in the Resurrection? (CCC 648) The Father manifests His proper characteristics in the Resurrection:
1. by raising up His Son
2. by introducing His Son’s humanity, including His body, into the Trinity.
658. How does the Spirit manifest His proper characteristics in the Resurrection? (CCC 648) The Spirit manifests His proper characteristics in the Resurrection:
1. by giving life to Jesus’ dead human body
2. by transforming it to the state of glory.
659. How does the Son manifest His proper characteristics in the Resurrection? (CCC 649) The Son manifests His proper characteristics in the Resurrection by effecting it by virtue of His divine power.
660. What is the meaning and significance of the Resurrection? (CCC 651-655) The meaning and significance of the Resurrection is:
1. to confirm Christ’s work and teachings
2. to fulfil the promises of the Old Testament and of Christ
3. to show the divinity of Christ
4. to open the way to a new life in the Holy Trinity
5. to be the principle of our future resurrection.