Questions and Answers

2512. What is the seventh commandment? (CCC 2450) The seventh commandment is: You shall not steal.
2513. What does the seventh commandment enjoin? (CCC 2451) The seventh commandment enjoins the practice of justice and charity in the administration of earthly goods.
2514. For whom are the goods of creation destined? (CCC 2452) The goods of creation are destined for the entire human race.
2515. What does the seventh commandment forbid? (CCC 2453) The seventh commandment forbids theft.
2516. What does an injustice committed against the seventh commandment require? (CCC 2454) An injustice committed against the seventh commandment requires reparation.
2517. What does the seventh commandment forbid in order to protect human freedom? (CCC 2455) In order to protect human freedom the seventh commandment forbids the enslavement of human beings or their being bought, sold or exchanged like merchandise.
2518. What obligation is connected to the dominion over the world granted by the Creator? (CCC 2456) Respect for moral obligations, including those toward generations to come, is connected to the dominion over the world granted by the Creator.
2519. How should man treat animals? (CCC 2457) Man should treat animals with kindness.
2520. Why is the Church concerned with the temporal common good? (CCC 2458) The Church is concerned with the temporal common good, because it is ordered to God who is the sovereign Good and man’s ultimate end.
2521. Who is the author, centre and goal of all economic and social life? (CCC 2459) Man is the author, centre and goal of all economic and social life.
2522. Whence does the primordial value of labour stem? (CCC 2460) The primordial value of labour stems from man.
2523. With what is true development concerned? (CCC 2461) True development is concerned with the whole man and with increasing each person’s ability to respond to his vocation and hence to God’s call.
2524. To what kind of charity does giving alms to the poor belong? (CCC 2462) Giving alms to the poor belongs to fraternal charity.
2525. When does Christ explicitly identify Himself with the poor? (CCC 2463) Christ identifies Himself explicitly with the poor when He says: “As you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me” (Mt 25).