Questions and Answers

804. What does Titus 2 call the Church? (CCC 802) Titus 2 calls the Church “a people of God’s own”.
805. What does 1 Pet 2 call the Church? (CCC 803) 1 Pet 2 calls the Church “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people”.
806. How does one enter the Church? (CCC 804) One enters the Church through Faith and Baptism.
807. How does Christ establish the Church as His own Body? (CCC 805) Christ establishes the Church as His own Body through the Holy Spirit and the sacraments.
808. What are the two sources of diversity in the Church? (CCC 806) The two sources of diversity in the Church are:
1. the members
2. their functions.
809. How is Christ’s union with the Church expressed in the image of the human body? (CCC 807) Christ’s union with the Church is expressed in the image of the human body as the Church being the Body of which Christ is the Head.
810. Why can one say that the Church is the Bride of Christ? (CCC 808) One can say that the Church is the Bride of Christ, because:
1. Christ loved her
2. He gave His life for her
3. He made her the mother of God’s children.
811. Why can one say that the Church is the Temple of the Holy Spirit? (CCC 809) One can say that the Church is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, because the Spirit is, as it were, the soul of the Mystical Body.
812. How is the Church brought into unity according to St Cyprian? (CCC 810) According to St Cyprian (around 250) the Church is “brought into unity from the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”