Questions and Answers

813. What are the four marks of the Church? (CCC 811) The four marks (= essential features) of the Church are: one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
814. Who makes the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic? (CCC 811) Christ through the Holy Spirit makes the Church one, holy, catholic and apostolic.
The Church does not possess these four marks of herself.
815. How do the four marks of the Church clearly speak to human reason? (CCC 812) The four marks of the Church clearly speak to human reason through their historical manifestations in the Church’s:
1. catholic unity and invincible stability (“one”)
2. eminent holiness (“holy”)
3. inexhaustible fruitfulness in everything good (“catholic”)
4. marvellous propagation (“apostolic”).
816. The Church is one: for what three reasons? (CCC 813) The Church is one because of:
1. her one source, the Trinity
2. her one founder, Christ
3. her one soul, the Holy Spirit.
817. What is the constant threat against the unity of the Church? (CCC 814) The constant threat against the unity of the Church is sin and its consequences.
818. What are the three visible bonds of communion in the Church? (CCC 815) The three visible bonds of communion in the Church are:
1. Faith
2. Liturgy
3. hierarchy.
819. Which is the sole Church of Christ? (CCC 816) The sole Church of Christ is the Church that Christ entrusted to the pastoral care and rule of St Peter and the other apostles.
820. Who says that the Church of Christ “subsists” in the Catholic Church? (CCC 816) Lumen Gentium 8 says that the Church of Christ “subsists” in the Catholic Church.
Lumen Gentium is a Vatican II document, the Apostolic Constitution on the Church.
821. What does it mean that Christ’s Church “subsists” in the Catholic Church? (CCC 816) That Christ’s Church “subsists” in the Catholic Church means that (1) the Catholic Church is the Church of Christ yet (2) there are elements of sanctification and truth among those Christians who do not live in full communion with her.
822. By whom is the Church governed? (CCC 816) The Church is governed by (1) the pope and (2) the bishops in communion with him.
823. Through whom alone can the fullness of the means of salvation be obtained? (CCC 816) Through Christ’s Catholic Church alone the fullness of the means of salvation can be obtained.
824. What are the three ruptures that wound the unity of the Church? (CCC 817) The three ruptures that wound the unity of the Church are heresy, apostasy and schism.
The terms heresy, apostasy and schism are explained in CCC 2089.
825. What elements of sanctification are found also outside the visible confines of the Church? (CCC 819) The elements of sanctification found also outside the visible confines of the Church are: (1) the Bible, (2) the life of grace, (3) Faith, (4) hope, (5) charity, (6) other interior gifts of the Spirit, (7) visible elements.
826. Where does Christ pray for the unity which the Church can never lose? (CCC 820) Christ prays for the unity which the Church can never lose in Jn 17: “That they may all be one.”
827. The Church is holy: why is this so? (CCC 823) The Church is holy, because Christ has made her holy through His Passion.
828. What is the purpose of all the activities of the Church? (CCC 824) The purpose of all the activities of the Church is (1) the glorification of God and (2) the sanctification of men.
829. What kind of heart does the Church need according to St Thérèse of Lisieux? (CCC 826) According to St Thérèse of Lisieux († 1897) the Church needs a heart burning with love.
830. Why is the holy Church always in need of purification? (CCC 827) The holy Church is always in need of purification, because she gathers sinners already caught up in Christ’s salvation but still on the way to holiness.
831. What is a canonisation? (CCC 828) A canonisation is a solemn pontifical proclamation of a new saint’s (1) heroic virtue and (2) fidelity to God’s grace.
832. What is the aim of a canonisation? (CCC 828) The aim of a canonisation is to propose a new saint as intercessor and model.
833. The Church is catholic: what does the term “catholic” mean? (CCC 830) The term “catholic” means “universal”:
1. according to completeness (Latin: intégritas)
2. according to totality (Latin: totálitas).
834. How is the Church catholic in both senses of the word? (CCC 830-831) The Church is catholic in both senses of the word according to:
1. completeness: because the Church contains all fullness of the means of salvation
2. totality: because the Church is sent by Christ to all men.
835. What is a “particular Church”? (CCC 833) A “particular Church” is usually a diocese or eparchy.
The term “diocese” is used in the West; the term “eparchy” is used in the East.
836. What is a diocese or eparchy? (CCC 833) A diocese or eparchy is a community of faithful who:
1. profess the same Faith
2. celebrate the same sacraments
3. are put under the same bishop.
837. When is a particular Church fully catholic? (CCC 834) A particular Church is fully catholic when in communion with the Church of Rome.
838. Who is called to the catholic unity of the Church? (CCC 836) All men are called to the catholic unity of the Church.
839. Who is fully incorporated into the Church? (CCC 837) Those are fully incorporated into the Church who are joined by the three bonds of the same:
1. profession of Faith
2. sacraments
3. ecclesiastical government.
840. Will a member of the Church who fails to persevere in charity, be saved? (CCC 837) No, a member of the Church who fails to persevere in charity will not be saved.
He remains in the bosom of the Church, but ‘in body’ not ‘in heart’.
841. Which of the Christian communities are the closest in doctrine to the Church? (CCC 838) The Christian communities closest in doctrine to the Church are the Orthodox communions.
842. What text of Vatican II speaks about the Church’s relation to Jews and Moslems? (CCC 839) The text of Vatican II that speaks about the Church’s relation to Jews and Moslems is the declaration Nostra Aetate (NA).
843. What is the locus classicus for the relationship between the Church and the Jews? (CCC 839) The locus classicus for the relationship between the Church and the Jews is Rom 9-11.
844. What unites the Church with the Moslems according to LG 16 and NA 2? (CCC 841) According to Lumen Gentium 16 and Nostra Aetate 2 what unites the Church with the Moslems is their faith in the one, merciful God.
Nostra Aetate and Lumen Gentium are both Vatican II documents.
845. In what sense does the Church form one community with all non-Christians? (CCC 842) The Church forms one community with all non-Christians in the sense that:
1. all stem from the one stock which God created to populate the earth
2. all share a common destiny, namely God.
846. What does the Church recognize in other religions? (CCC 843) The Church recognizes in other religions that search, among shadows and images, for the God who is unknown yet near since he gives life and breath and all things and wants all men to be saved.
847. How does LG 16 value all goodness and truth found in other religions? (CCC 843) Lumen Gentium 16 values all goodness and truth found in other religions as a “preparation for the Gospel”.
Lumen Gentium is a Vatican II document, the Apostolic Constitution on the Church.
848. Why is Noah’s ark a figure for the Church? (CCC 845) Noah’s ark is a figure for the Church, because it alone saved from the flood.
849. What Father said that “outside the Church there is no salvation”? (CCC 846) St Cyprian of Carthage said that “outside the Church there is no salvation.”
St Cyprian of Carthage (around AD 250) is the last of the seven Early Church Fathers.
850. Why is there no salvation outside the Church? (CCC 846) There is no salvation outside the Church, because all salvation comes from Christ through the Church which is His Body.
851. What is the lot of those who through no fault of their own do not know Christ? (CCC 847) The lot of those who through no fault of their own do not know Christ is that, in ways known to God, they may achieve salvation if they seek God with a sincere heart following their conscience.
852. What is the locus classicus for the Church’s missionary mandate? (CCC 849) The locus classicus for the Church’s missionary mandate is Mt 28.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
853. Why is the Church on earth missionary by her very nature? (CCC 850) The Church on earth is missionary by her very nature, because she has as her origin the mission of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
854. What motivates the Church’s missionary activities? (CCC 851) The love of Christ motivates the Church’s missionary activities.
2 Cor 5: “The love of Christ urges us on.
855. Who said that the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians? (CCC 852) Tertullian said that the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians.
Tertullian († 225) is an important ecclesiastical author at the time of the Early Church Fathers.
856. The Church is apostolic: why is this so? (CCC 857) The Church is apostolic, because she is founded on the apostles.
857. In which three ways is the Church founded on the apostles? (CCC 857) The Church is founded on the apostles as:
1. on their witness
2. on their teaching
3. on their successors.
858. What locus classicus shows that the apostles continue Christ’s mission? (CCC 858) The locus classicus that shows that the apostles continue Christ’s mission is Jn 20.
“As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.”
859. What does the Greek word “apóstoloi” mean? (CCC 858) The Greek word “apóstoloi” means “emissaries”.
860. What aspect of the apostolic office could not be transmitted? (CCC 860) The aspect of the apostolic office that could not be transmitted is, that the twelve apostles were the chosen witnesses of the Resurrection and so the foundation stones of the Church.
861. Why did the apostles appoint successors? (CCC 861-862) The apostles appointed successors (bishops) in order that the mission entrusted to them might be continued after their death.
862. What is apostolate? (CCC 863) Apostolate is every activity of the Church aimed at spreading the Kingdom of Christ over all the earth.